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“The level of service at Roderick's Therapeutic Massage Service is fantastic. Having been a customer for many years, I am consistently impressed by the professionalism of every staff member I have come in contact with. Thank you!”


“In this day and age, it’s hard to find a company you can trust. Roderick's Therapeutic Massage Service was recommended to me by a friend, and now I know why – the quality of service I received was outstanding. Keep up the good work!” Anquinette

Roderick introduced himself and led the way to the treatment room.He provided converstaion and asked pertinent questions regarding the treatment desires.Once in the treatment room,medical issues were addressed,then dirobing instructions were provided.Roderick's service were excellent.He ascertained satisfaction and inquires if pressure was adequate on several occasions.He informed the Analyst whenthe treatment was complete and advised them to rest before getting up.Roderick escorted the Analyst back to the dressing area and provided a buisness card.Pleasanr parting remarks were offered.Good usof the Analyst's name was demosrated."

RTMS provided service at one of my pamper parties and all the guest raved to me the next day.How Roderick's Therapeutic Massage is so professional.I will be using RTM for all my parties.

Betty Jones

RTMS prices are not to high where I could'nt have afforded to break the bank to treat myself to a little relaxtion.I will be using this company for all of the parties and charity events.

Lisa Kawiski

RTMS offer chair massage at the MS Walk at Comerica park.Their service was excellent,I do the walk every year and saw him there the last two years.

You don't see to many young men offer their service for a charity event.

Good work RTMS,keep it up!

Angela Moore.

RTMS always treats their customers with 110% profesionalism and always there when you need a massage to help relax from a hard day at work.

Dororthy Speed.